Greg Martin | Best Man

Asking Greg to be my best man was a no brainer. He’s been the older brother one hopes for - you know… after we both grew up a little bit. He’s wicked smart and I’m lucky to have him by my side.


Nicole huser | Maid of Honor

My little sister and partner in crime—she has been by my side for most of life’s ups and downs. I’m her biggest fan and she is my biggest supporter. Life wouldn’t be the same without her!


Ryan Gallus | Groomsman

Ryan and I recently crossed a bucket list item off when we saw Green Day live in Minneapolis. Our love for Green Day is almost as old as our friendship where in the 4th grade we performed American Idiot to our class… thank God social media wasn’t a thing…

Chloe Wallace | bridesmaid

My cousin who has always doubled as a big sister. Chloe has always been there for me, whether I needed advice, a ride to swim practice, or a case of beer!


Justin Bader | Groomsman

Justin and I both served as president of our fraternity at ISU. We quickly learned the meaning of servant leadership and became good friends helping each other out - usually over drinks at Es Tas.


Kelly dunn | Bridesmaid

I truly had no idea how lucky I was when I landed Kelly as a roommate for nursing school. We were both new to Milwaukee and became inseparable almost immediately! So much so that my parents felt the need to make our relationship known in our annual Christmas letter.


John Carano | Groomsman

Like any strong teenage friendship, John and I’s friendship was built on a healthy amount of Halo and Mountain Dew. Okay, maybe not the healthiest but it’s one that’s lasted throughout undergrad to today.


Kayla Phillips | Bridesmaid

Kayla and I figured out we were soulmates in the summer of 2011. We were both lifeguards, swimming lesson instructors, and on summer swim team. We were inseparable for the next two years and had our parents questioning whether we were more than just best friends.


Ben Feltes | Groomsman

Now teaching English lit, Ben tutored me through our undergrad. From tapping a keg, to proper tailgate preparation, I’m lucky to have Ben by my side for life’s biggest moments.

Taylor vos | Bridesmaid

I met Taylor my first week of school as a freshman at Iowa State, and we became pals right off the bat. An Illinois native, we have successfully captivated her by the state of Iowa and she’s not leaving any time soon, if i have anything to say about it!


Sam Drawbond | Groomsman

I’m very grateful to have a friendship as old as Sam and I’s. Literally, my first friend, Sam and I bonded over a love for Star Wars and video games that’s still going strong.

Catie Irwin | Bridesmaid

We met way back in 1993, both in their mother’s wombs, at Catie’s baby shower. My oldest and dearest friend, we have made memories from elementary, high school, college and beyond. I wouldn’t be where I am without her!


Puneet Anantharam | Groomsman

I tend to drone on and on about places I’ve been or want to visit. Thankfully Puneet’s just as curious to see and visit places not his own. Our friendships only grown as we move around.


Laura Henkle | Bridesmaid

I met Laura when she joined Alpha Chi Omega our sophomore year at ISU. She quickly became my study buddy and sounding board for all of life’s big questions. It’s difficult to quantify how many hours were spent and ounces of cold brew were consumed at Caribou Coffee our senior year!


Max Lalone | Groomsman

A bro date for the ages, Max invited me to go the ISU - Texas Homecoming game where we won by a field goal with seconds left. Horns down and we’ve stayed close ever since.


Amy Coenen | Bridesmaid

We met on our first day as Alpha Chi Omega’s at Iowa State, and Amy immediately thought I asked way too many questions and talked too much—we hit it off right away. We were roommates for almost the rest of our time at ISU as I enjoyed pestering her way too much to stay away!


Derek Huser | Usher

He can grow a helluva beard and make some spicy salsa. As far as brother in laws go I think I hit the jackpot.


Max Blum | Usher

I always learn something new chatting with my future brother-In-law. I’m determined he can make a handy man out of me yet.


Jack Gibbons | Usher

From watching Batman to bar crawls in Chicago Jack’s been there with me from the beginning so it’s only fitting to have him by Han and I’s side today.


Tyler Tweeten | Usher

I quickly learned there’s just about nothing Tyler can’t fix - especially a good drink - making him a great fraternity brother, coworker, and friend.